Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Cubit Kulit Perut untuk Deteksi Belly Fat

Cubit Kulit Perut untuk Deteksi Belly Fat!

11 May 2017

Boleh, kok, bangga bila ukuran celana Anda tidak berubah sejak tiga tahun terakhir. Namun, perut yang berlipat merupakan tanda paling jelas bahwa Anda menyimpan ekstra belly fat.

Nah, Belly fat atau visceral fat merupakan jenis lemak paling berbahaya di dalam tubuh yang berkumpul di abdomen atau sekitar perut. Wajib diwaspadai karena belly fat selalu dihubungkan dengan resistensi insulin, penyakit jantung, hingga diabetes tipe 2, serta berpotensi menjadi kanker.

Maklum, dia berada dekat dengan organ internal yang menjadi sumber energinya.

Sebagai gambaran, tubuh terdiri atas tiga jenis lemak, yaitu trigliserida (lemak yang dibawa oleh aliran darah), subcutaneous (lemak yang berada tepat di bawah permukaan kulit), dan visceral (terletak jauh di bawah perut).

Cara mendeteksi belly fat yaitu dengan mencubit kulit perut menggunakan jari. Jika bisa menarik kulit yang sangat tebal, artinya Anda memiliki timbunan belly fat di bawah otot perut dan subcutaneous.

Kenapa berada di bagian perut?

Lemak ternyata juga ‘malas’ menempuh perjalanan jauh sebelum mengendap. Sama halnya, nih, seperti alasan Anda lebih suka makan siang di tempat terdekat.

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Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

by femina | November 23, 2018, 12:00 AM IST
Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat

Have you woken up today to see a little extra layer of belly fat that you need to lose quickly via exercise? The festive season has been on for weeks now, and undoubtedly we have all indulged in our favourite foods, be it sweets or savouries, promising ourselves that we’ll hit the gym soon!

The ‘soon’ takes a long time to arrive, or doesn’t arrive at all. Has it arrived for you yet? Think about it! Do you want to fit into that gorgeous dress you spent all your savings on for new year’s? Then now is the time to be serious and start doing some exercises to reduce belly fat!

It’s not just about the way you look, it is also about being healthy. Undoubtedly you need a little bit of a lifestyle change to lose the flab around your tummy, and incorporating the precise exercises to tackle it is a necessary step. We show you the exact exercises that you need to rotate in your routine.

Work towards a healthier and fitter you!

Get serious, and start exercising to lose belly fat!

1. Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat with Crunches
2. Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat with Twist Crunches
3. Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat with Side Crunches
4. Exercises to Reduce Belly Fat with Reverse Crunches
5. Belly Fat Exercise - Vertical Leg Crunch
6. Belly Fat Exercise - Bicycle Exercise
7. Belly Fat Exercise - Lunge Twist
8. Belly Fat Exercise - The Stomach Vacuum

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